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Author: BillTravels Subject: Match.com IMBRA exemption leads to murder of foreign woman
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posted on 03-22-2010 at 20:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Match.com IMBRA exemption leads to murder of foreign woman

For reasons unknown, IMBRA expressly exempts dating sites such as Match.com and Yahoo Personals from the law despite their large vulnerable foreign women memberships. In 2007, this exemption enabled William Trickett Smith, an American, to utilize Match.com to contact Jana Claudia Menendez, a Peruvian, without the condition of providing background information to Match.com prior to enabling free-speech communication. Smith and Melendez married in 2007 and she was found murdered that same year. Trickett is now being extradited to Peru to stand trial for her murder.

The Tahirih "justice" Center, the National Organization for Women, and Legal Momentum all have blood on their hands. They purposely protected Match.com rather than the foreign women they claim to protect.

It is now time to regulate all dating agencies that have foreign women members who can be accessed by American men. Or perhaps another murder is needed to convince you.
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posted on 10-20-2010 at 15:29 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
a good point to make

I haven't really thought about it, but it's true that websites like Match.com connect American guys with foreign women. It's craziness that they aren't regulated by the same rules that other dating sites are held to, but a murder should be enough to realize there is a problem. Sometimes I wonder why some of these sites need so many rules and restrictions, but this kind of thing makes you think again.

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